Super Fresh is a self-directed project that reinvents the packagings for a fictional sustainable food brand. Picking three common products as examples, I've art directed, designed the brand, illustrated the labels and created the mockups using AI for each food item.
See below for more infos!
Date February 2025
Category Packaging
Super fresh

The company's vision was:
- to use bold, energetic visuals and clever, conversational messaging (ENTERTAIN)
- to build connections through authenticity, humour, and shared values (CONNECT)
- to always stay rooted in meaning, promoting a sustainable lifestyle (INSPIRE)

Based on these requirements, I developed the concept for the illustrations: using food as visual facilitator for free-time outdoor activities.
This answered the ethos for the:
- wow-effect (ENTERTAIN)
- relatable mood and situation(CONNECT)
- suggestion of a modern lifestyle (INSPIRE)

3rd project mockup coming soon!!